Flex-C track, sand, cast aluminum perilla leaf, cast aluminum lotus root, powermesh
stainless steel mixing bowls, pigmented silicone, rubber, polymer clay, power mesh, paint can, cordyceps fungus, steel machinery, peach pit, lotus seed, pewter, cast aluminum ginseng, cast aluminum cabbage, cast aluminum peach pit, cast aluminum dried lotus root, cast aluminum Asian pears, cast aluminum clay forms, aluminum mesh, sand bag, plastic wrap, copper chainmaille made by Hanna Hur, reflective foil, plastic bags, copper garden mesh, mung beans, water, dried fish bladder, dried magnolia fl owers, dried hibiscus, ground mung and adzuki beans, cast bronze, hats, rosin paper
cast aluminum cabbage leaves
mesh fruit bags, polymer clay, paint cans, reflective sheeting, cordyceps fungus
unfixed and unprocessed photographic paper and darkroom chemicals (continuously sensitive), aluminum tape, steel studs, hardware, cast aluminum dried anchovies
Molt 2019
unfixed and unprocessed photographic paper and films (continuously sensitive), sand bags, silicone